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Humerus Series – Distal Humerus Locking Compression Plate

Distal humeral fractures account for 2% of all fractures in the body and 33% of humeral fractures, which are very challenging for surgeons. The elbow joint is one of the most complex joints, including the humero-ulnar joint, humeroradial joint, and superior radioulnar joint. The most common complications of distal humeral fractures are stiffness, nonunion, infection, […]

Supracondylar femoral fractures, what are the dangers and pitfalls?

Supracondylar femur fractures present unique challenges for orthopedic surgeons, particularly in the context of an aging population and increasingly active lifestyles. This article will delve into the pitfalls and danger points associated with these fractures, arming young orthopedic surgeons with the knowledge needed to avoid complications and achieve optimal patient outcomes. Understanding the Complexity Supracondylar […]